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Hearing Tests at Easley ENT

Is it time for a diagnostic hearing evaluation?

Are you having trouble hearing your loved ones or constantly turning up the volume on the TV? It may be time for a diagnostic hearing evaluation. If you suspect hearing loss, take our self-assessment and schedule an appointment with our audiology professionals today.
Schedule your hearing test

What is a diagnostic hearing evaluation?

A diagnostic hearing evaluation is typically recommended if you have failed a hearing screening or have reported hearing loss or tinnitus to your primary care physician. Hearing issues can result from various factors, and a comprehensive evaluation helps determine the underlying cause.
This test assesses whether hearing loss is present, its severity, and its type. The results allow our audiologist to recommend the most appropriate treatment options for your needs.

What to expect during a diagnostic hearing evaluation

The goal of a diagnostic hearing evaluation is to determine the degree and type of hearing loss. The process includes:
Otoscopic examination – Checking for earwax buildup or outer ear issues that may contribute to hearing loss.
Pure-tone audiometry – Listening to different sound frequencies through headphones to assess hearing sensitivity.
Speech recognition testing – Evaluating how well you can hear and process speech.
If the patient is an infant or young child, different methods such as play audiometry or visual reinforcement audiometry may be used to obtain the most accurate results.
Schedule your hearing test

Understanding your hearing test results

After the evaluation, our audiologist will carefully review your test results and explain the type and severity of any hearing loss detected. They will discuss personalized treatment options to improve your hearing and overall quality of life.

Stop struggling with hearing loss, get the help you deserve

Our team of dedicated professionals are committed to helping you find the best hearing loss treatment available.